
[Claude Adrien Helvetius]. De l’Esprit de Lois, vols. I-II, Amsterdam, Leipzig, Arkstée & Merkus, 1772.
The first edition of the work by Helvetius was printed in Paris in 1758 and in the same year circulated in two volumes in Amsterdam. L’esprit des Lois covered its author in fame, at the same time bringing financial benefits, as well, however, as troublesome situations: Louis XV’s Dauphin considered the contents provocative in regard to the rights and liberties of citizens that it upheld. Parliament thus issued a Resolution condemning Helvetius’s book – as well as ten further writings that had circulated in recent years – to be burned.
Format: 15,5 cm
Page description: pp. [4]+392
References: NBU, XXXIII, 877
Entity: Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment
Item Type: Book