
Alexander of Aphrodisias. Ζητήματα Ἀλεξάνδρου τοῦ Ἀφροδισιέως Φυσικά. Περὶ Τύχης. Ἠθηκά..., edition by Giovanni Francesco Trincavelli, Venice, Bartholomeo Zannetti, 1536.
First edition of the Φυσικὰ as of Περὶ αἰσθήσεων by Theophrastus and others. Works by Alexander of Aphrodisias were first printed in the original in 1497, that is the Problemata, comprised in the fourth volume of the complete works (Apanta) of Aristotle, edited by Aldus (1493-1498). Three integral editions of Alexander’s works in Latin translation by H. Donato; G. Calfurnio; Ang. Poliziano and Th. Gazis are known: Problemata (1488/89 and 1497) and De anima ex Aristotelis institutione (1495).
Page description: lv. xxxxviii
References: Hoffmann I, 114 • BMCTSCI, 17 • ΦΕ, 8 (3)
Entity: Renaissance – Humanism
Item Type: Book