
Bessarion, Cardinal. Lettere, & Orazioni di Monsignor Bessarione Cardinal Niceno... Volgarizate dal Signor Filippo Pigafetta. Con una Orazione del Sig. Scipione Ammirato pertinente alla medesima materia a Papa Sisto Quinto, Florence, Filippo Giunta, 1594.
Reprint of the undated edition printed at the Sorbonne’s press published by G. Fichet in April 1471. It is a text by Bessarion in letter form, wherein he warned Westerners of the danger of Turkish expansionism. Copies of this edition were sent to emperors, kings, ecclesiastic officials and to the King of France Louis XI and others.
: 21 cm
: BH I/4 (844) • PAP Ι, 1072
: BH I/4 (844) • PAP Ι, 1072
: Renaissance – Humanism
: Book