Harpocration. Ἁρποκρατίωνος Λεξικὸν τῶν Δέκα Ρητόρων... Nicolaus Blancardus... Philippi Jacobi Maussaci Notae... Henrici Valesii Notae..., Leiden, J.A. Gelder. J.A. de la Font, 1683.
The Lexicon by Harpokration was first printed by Aldus in 1503 in Venice and the present edition, from Leiden, is the fourth reprint. It is however the first to contain the commentary of N. Blancard (1625-1703), a renowned Dutch scholar who from 1669 held the chair of Greek studies at Franeker. This Lexicon is all we know of the work of Harpokration, a second century bc grammarian from Alexandria, which contains mainly definitions of words.
23 cm
pp. [24]+432+141+11 unn
Hoffmann IΙ, 195
Renaissance – Humanism