
G. Konstantinides. Ὁδηγὸς τῆς ἀλληλοδιδακτικῆς μεθόδου..., Athens, Τύποις Δημητρίου Σηλυβριώτου, 1868.
Georgios Konstantinides, teacher at the Athens Didaskaleion published numerous school text books also based on related works of European educationalists such as the Mathemata peri antikeimenon pros anaptyxe ideon (1864). Furthermore, more than fifty editions and reprints of his treatises on grammar were issued.
: 20,5 cm
: pp. ζ´+1 blank+110+1 unn.+1 blank and 5 Tables outside the text
: Iliou - Polemi, Ἑλληνικὴ Βιβλιογραφία, 1868.387
: Book