
[Kyrillos Loukares]. La Confession de Foi des Eglises Chrestiennes Grecques ou Orientales. Par le tres-reverend Patriarche de Constantinople, au nom de tous les Conducteurs desdites Eglises. Traduit fidellement du Latin Imprimé à Constantinople au mois de
The Orthodoxos Homologia was composed by the patriarch of Constantinople Cyril Loukaris, and was printed in Latin in 1629, simultaneously in diverse European cities, particularly where the spirit of the Reformation predominated such as Geneva for example. Loukaris’s text expresses his personal views as ‘Confession’ of the Orthodox Church although he was absolutely aware that he was deviating from the official positions of the Eastern Church. In this statement his words tend towards the Calvinist positions, that is in an attempt to rid the Christian faith of distortions and ‘superstitions’.
Format: 18,5 cm
Page description: pp. 8.
References: ΒΗ ΙΙ/1 (194)
Entity: Theology
Item Type: Book