Sevastos Kyminetes. Δογματικὴ Διδασκαλία τῆς ἁγιωτάτης ἀνατολικῆς καὶ καθολικῆς Ἐκκλησίας..., Bucharest, Ἄνθιμος Ἱερομόναχος ἐξ Ἰβηρίας, Σεπτέμβριος 1703.
First edition that however was published with two different title pages, treating the Communion Office and the transformation of the consecrated Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Kyminetes dedicated the edition to the patriarch of Jerusalem Dositheos (the other edition of the same work was dedicated to Tsar Peter of Russia). Kyminetes (circa 1630-1702), who was born in Trebizond, studied in Constantinople and Italy and was headmaster of the Megale tou Genous Schole, succeeding Alexandros Mavrocordatos. He was then headmaster of the Authentike Academia of Bucharest to the end of his life.
19 cm
Page description:
pp. [13]+1 blank+400+2 blank+2 unn
Bianu-Hodos, I, 140 • ΒΗ ΙΙΙ/1 (18) • PAP Ι, 3240
Item Type: