
Octavianus Cametius. Γεωμετρία... Εἰς δὲ τὴν Ἑλλάδα μετενεχθεῖσα... παρὰ Δημητρίου ῾Ραζῆ..., Venice, Nikolaos Glykys, 1787.
First and only edition interpreted by Demetrios Razes who was born in Messolonghi and was educated at the Atheniada Schole and then pursued his studies in medicine, philosophy and languages at European universities. This translation is his sole appearance in the sector of publishing.
Format: 22 cm
Page description: pp. 16+150+2 blank and 7 folding Tables (1-7) outside text with geometric figures
References: BH III/2 (1193) • PAP Ι, 1497
Entity: Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment
Item Type: Book