
Virgilius. Aeneidis.../ Τῆς Αἰνειάδος... Οὐιργιλίου... τὰ ΙΒ´ Βιβλία... ἑλληνιστὶ ἐκφρασθέντα... Πόνῳ Εὐγενίου τοῦ Βουλγάρεως, Petroupolis, Αὐτοκρατορικὴ Ἀκαδημία τῶν Ἐπιστημῶν, vol. I 1791, vols. II-III 1792
First and only edition with the translation of the Aeneid into Ancient Greek, rendered in Homeric verse by E. Bulgaris, who was a member of the empress Catherine II’s intimate circle of intellectuals. Bulgaris had links of friendship with them since 1772, a fact verified also by his appointment to head the imperial library.
Format: 38 cm
Page description: pp. 18 unn.+Κ+2 unn.+329+1 blank+5 unn.+1 blank
References: Ladas - Hadjidemos ΙΙΙ/1, 31, 92 • PAP Ι, 5909.
Entity: Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment
Item Type: Book
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