
Arrian – Epictetus, Ἀρριανοῦ Τακτικά, Περίπλοι, Κυνηγετικός, καὶ Ἐπικτήτου Στοικοῦ Ἐχγειρίδιον, Amsterdam, apud Janssonio - Waesbergios, 1683.
Techne Tactica is one of the works of Arrian of Nicomedia (95-175 CE). a treatise on miltary drills and battle formation. This is a first edition, which includes other works of Arrian's Athenian period from 136 CE, such as the Kynegetikos and the Voyage round the Euxine Sea . Also included is the Encheiridion of Epictetus, the notes from the lectures of Epictetus, Arrian's teacher, which was first published in 1535 (no. 58).
: 20 cm
: pp 14 unn..+450+4 unn.+1 folding plate inside the text+1 folding map outside the text
: Hoffmann, I, 376
: Renaissance – Humanism
: Book