
Βίβλος καλουμένη Εὐτέρπη, περιέχουσα συλλογὴν ἐκ τῶν νεωτέρων καὶ ἡδυτέρων ἐξωτερικῶν μελῶν, μὲ προσθήκην εἰς τὸ τέλος καί τινων ρωμαϊκῶν τραγωδίων εἰς μέλος ὀθωμανικὸν καὶ εὐρωπαϊκόν, ἐξηγηθέντων εἰς τὸ νέον τῆς μουσικῆς σύστημα παρὰ Θεοδώρου Φωκέως καὶ
This is the first edition of a song collection in the Byzantine notation, which stirred some controversy. In the Prologue to the text, the editors try to respond to the criticism against the new system of notation.
: 20,5 cm
: pp. 259 [=260]
: Iliou, 19ος αἰ. Β´, 1830.28
: Book