
Syntagmation. Βίβλος τῆς Δημοσίας Εὐχῆς..., κατὰ τὰ ἔθη τῆς Ἀγγλικανικῆς Ἐκκλησίας..., Cambridge, Ioannes Field, 1665.
Sixth known copy of the present edition of the Syntagmation and third publication with the translation of the Anglican Euchologion. The fourth was signed by Andreas Kalvos, London 1820. Bound together with the Psalter of David (Cambridge 1644)
: pp. [34]+126+2 blank+117-171+1 blank
: Ladas - Hadjidemos Ι, 219 • PAP Ι, 1342
: Liturgical books
: Book