
Adamantios Coraes. Ἀπάνθισμα Ἐπιστολῶν Ἀδαμαντίου Κοραῆ ἐκδίδοντος Ἰακώβου Ρώτα. Φιλοτίμῳ συνδρομῇ τῶν Φιλομούσων Ἑλλήνων..., Athens, Τυπογραφεῖο Κ. Ράλλη, 1839.
First edition of the collected letters written by Coraes, based on material Iakovos Rotas discovered in Chios where Coraes’s library ended up, in accordance with his will.
Page description: pp. ιθ´+1 blank+314
References: Ginis - Mexas Ι, 3087
Entity: Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment
Item Type: Book