
Theodorus Gaza. Θεοδώρου Γραμματικῆς Εἰσαγωγῆς Βιβλία Δ´..., Florence, per hearedes Philippi Iuntae, April 1520.
Reprint of the Grammar by the Giunti, based on their edition of 1515 (see No. 5). This same text had initially been comprised in grammar manual with works by Emm. Chrysoloras, D. Chalkokondyles and others, issued once again by the Giunti in 1514 (1515).
Format: 16,5 cm
Page description: lv. [216]
References: BH I/3 (225) • Decia I, 110 (131) • PAP Ι, 2363
Entity: Renaissance – Humanism
Item Type: Book