
Theodorus Metochites. Theodori Metochitae in Aristotelis Physicorum, siue Naturalium auscultationum libros octo... D. Gentiano Herueto Aurelio è Graeca in Latinam... conversa..., Basel, Nicolaus Brylinger, 1559.
First edition of the paraphrase by Theodorus Metochites of diverse Aristotelian works (De anima, De Caelo et al.) on Gentiano Herueto’s Latin translation. The second edition, of Ravenna, 1614, contained the Latin translation only. Metochites had been Grand Logothete of the Church of Constantinople and was a personal friend of Emperor Andronicus. He died in 1321.
Format: 22,5 cm
Page description: Hoffmann III, 503 • ΦΕ, 47/8 (47)
References: Hoffmann III, 503 • ΦΕ, 47/8 (47)
Entity: Renaissance – Humanism
Item Type: Book