
Basil the Great - Gregorios Theologos - Ioannes Chrysostomos. Μαργαρίται τῶν τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν ἤτοι Λόγοι παραινετικοὶ τῶν Ἁγίοις Πατέρων Ἡμῶν... Μεταφρασθέντες εἰς τὸ ἁπλοῦν... παρὰ Κωνσταντίνου Δαπόντε..., Venice, Nikolaos Glykys, 1779.
Second edition and sole copy outside of Mt Athos, the first dating to 1675. The edition contains Logoi by Ioannes Chrysostomos and other Church Fathers, transcribed into the colloquial language by Aloysius Gradenigo. Gradenigos from Crete taught at a Greek school in Venice (1664-1666) and was then appointed by the Serenissima Republic public censor and corrector of Greek books to be published. He was also librarian of the Marcian Library.
Format: αντ. 1: 16,5 αντ. 2: 16 cm.
Page description: pp. 16+272 (pp. 273-320 missing), 2nd copy: pp. 16+318 (pp. 319-320 missing).
References: ΒΗ IIΙ/2 (965) • PAP Ι, 3748
Entity: Theology
Item Type: Book