
[Joseph Guillaume Clémence]. Ἀπόδειξις τοῦ κύρους τῶν τῆς Νέας καὶ Παλαιᾶς Διαθήκης Βιβλίων... ἢ Ἀνασκευὴ τῆς τοῦ Βολτέρου βίβλου, τῆς καλουμένης τελευταῖον διερμηνευθείσης διαθήκης, ἐκ τῶν Γάλλων φωνῆς μεταφρασθεῖσα [ὑπὸ Νικηφόρου Θεοτόκη]..., Vienna, Ma
First and sole edition of the work by Clémence, which is in essence a refutation of Voltaire’s interpretation on the Old and New Testament, translated from French by Nikephoros Theotokes, one of the era’s most worthy intellects. In this book Clémence defended the prestige and the authorship of older authors such as Bossuet, Fénelon, Labbe, Descartes and others. Theotokes (1736-1800) was born in Corfu and studied philosophy and mathematics for many years at renowned Italian universities. He embraced religious life and taught in his birthplace and Constantinople. He was later appointed headmaster of the Authentike Schole (Authentic School) of Jassy, Moldavia, and subsequently wrote and published numerous works in Leipzig.
Format: 21,5 cm
Page description: pp. λζ´ [= λη´]+663+1 blank+85+1 blank.
References: Ladas - Hadjidemos ΙΙΙ/1, 158 • PAP Ι, 1770
Entity: Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment
Item Type: Book
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