Benjamin Martin. Γραμματικὴ τῶν Φιλοσοφικῶν Ἐπιστημῶν ἢ Σύντομος Ἀνάλυσις τῆς Πειραματικῆς Νεωτέρας Φιλοσοφίας κατ᾽ ἐρωταπόκρισιν συγγραφεῖσα μὲν παρὰ τοῦ Ἄγγλου Βενιαμὶν Μαρτίνου... ἐπαυξηθεῖσα παρὰ Ἀνθίμου Γαζῆ..., vols. I-II, Vienna, F.A. Shraimbl, 179
First and only edition of the translation of B. Martin’s Grammar of the Philosophical Sciences, a book that is to say concerning natural philosophy, physiology, the axioms of physics, describing the various instruments used in the relative experiments. The text is rendered by Anthimos Gazis in the Greek vernacular and is enriched with very extensive elucidating comments and Notes by himself.
19 cm
(365)-697+1 unn.+2 blank+8 folding lv. with Tables (ις´-κγ´)+1 folding leaf with Table on pp. 472/473
Ladas - Hadjidemos ΙΙΙ/2, 150 • PAP Ι, 3796
Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment